Friday 8 March 2013

Positivity is a Key

by Neslee Bonus

What could be the best way to attract the reader’s attention in your introduction? 

Think of it when you receive a letter and the moment you read it, it says “We are very sorry to decline your request about your credit…” Isn’t it so disgusting to read this line in the very first part of the letter? Even if it is located at the body or closing, readers will get mad or lose their interest.

Always remember that positivity is a key in approaching or building up a communication. The goal of positive tone is to arouse the reader’s interest. In business, positive communication provides solutions instead of issues and direction instead of confusion.

Also remember that in delivering bad news or declining some requests, we should always be positive as possible. We should avoid the usage of “can’t”, “decline” or any negative words that are offensive. And always bear in mind that the “you-view” is omitted in sending negative messages.

In writing your letter, you must also take into consideration on who you are writing to. Positive communications differ from region to region. It might be positive for the people in USA and have negative impact for other people from another country.

If you really want to know more about writing business letters, I suggest that you take a course of business writing and differences about cultures. With further knowledge, it will help you to understand the different thoughts of different people.

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