Friday 8 March 2013

Coherent, Clear, Concise, Courteous, Correct

by Neslee Bonus
Whenever we write a letter, email or memo, we should always need to remember the 5c’s of business writing. This sounds cliché to us but it is the most important thing to remember.

First is being coherent in your work. The paragraphs should be orderly oriented.  Everything in your letter should be in order, you’ve got the introduction, the body and the closing remarks with a goodwill close.

Second is that your message is clear. You want your reader to easily understand your message. Avoid using a lot of idioms and cliché, the simpler the better.

 Third is being concise of your thoughts. Say what’s need to be said in the fewest possible words in your letter. Get straight to the point of your message to avoid confusion for the reader.

Being courteous in your message is the best approach for the reader to arouse their interest. Your tone must maintain positivity no matter what.  Always adopt a “you” attitude which means that one sees the other person’s point of view. Treat the reader as you want to be treated with respect. Do not accuse or threatened the reader as this will be offensive to them. Give credits to people who deserve it.

Lastly, make sure your letter is correct. All the topics and the thoughts you want are stated. Always double check the spelling and grammar. Always remember the format if it’s a letter, email or memo.

These are guides in which you can improve and have a better communication in writing your message. If you have any comments, feel free to post it. Thank You Very Much!

Source: Business Writing, Saint Mary's University

Formal ain't Poetic

by Neslee Bonus

In writing our letters, business letters to be specific, we don’t want to sound like Shakespeare, Frost or Poe. Being formal doesn’t need to use very deep words with just simple meaning.

Everyday words are enough to use to be formal. In business writing, try to write as simply and as clearly as possible, and not to make the letter longer than necessary. Remember not to use any informal or vulgar words. If you are writing or delivering a message with negative news, try to be positive always as possible and never threatened the reader. Offensive words are not considered formal for they carry negative impact to the reader or listener.

Stay on topic whenever you opened one. This doesn’t mean you’re one-sided about any issue but it will tell the reader or listener what is the real message. Don’t go around the bush, just say directly in an educated and professional manner.

Always keep in mind that being formal will tell the reader or listener that you are a very reliable person. The reader will think that you have a deep knowledge of what you are talking about.

If you really like business writing, I suggest you should take a course of it. It will help you a lot and will improve your writing and communicating skills.

Persuasive and Commanding

by Neslee Bonus

When you want someone to do something or you want them to believe on something, persuading them is the key. This is somehow giving them command in educated and professional manner.

In business writing, you often times deal with persuasive writing, it could be on sales, credits or anything to promote and let your customers be convinced. Persuasion is generally an exercise in creating a win-win situation. You present something that others find beneficial to agree with. You make them an offer they can’t refuse, but not in a manipulative manner.

There are a lot of ways on how to convince your reader or listener. There is this comparison in which you relate your experience that sounds real and they will believe in it, also there is about futuristic explanation that they will benefit from it. But the best way to persuade them is having a social proof, for example is that you sell a product, you should state all real proofs like how much sales you got, and how customers reviewed the product. This will help you to convince them in any case.

Simple yet Sharp

by Neslee Bonus

We always heard of “Simplicity is beauty”. This is good statement that also applies in writing or communicating with other people. Even if you have the highest degree of education, you would need to communicate with the simplest words for others to understand.

Simple yet sharp, yes, you read that right. Being simple in your words doesn’t necessarily mean you have to sound lousy in your grammar. There should be a great impact even if you use simple words, they should be clearly stated and your thought should be easily understandable. 

Everyday words are the best to be used in writing rather than formal ones. But also bear in mind on who you are writing to, you don’t want to sound simple when you are writing to your superiors. When communicating in public, everyday words are your best friends. This will make the readers or listeners to understand you easily.

Positivity is a Key

by Neslee Bonus

What could be the best way to attract the reader’s attention in your introduction? 

Think of it when you receive a letter and the moment you read it, it says “We are very sorry to decline your request about your credit…” Isn’t it so disgusting to read this line in the very first part of the letter? Even if it is located at the body or closing, readers will get mad or lose their interest.

Always remember that positivity is a key in approaching or building up a communication. The goal of positive tone is to arouse the reader’s interest. In business, positive communication provides solutions instead of issues and direction instead of confusion.

Also remember that in delivering bad news or declining some requests, we should always be positive as possible. We should avoid the usage of “can’t”, “decline” or any negative words that are offensive. And always bear in mind that the “you-view” is omitted in sending negative messages.

In writing your letter, you must also take into consideration on who you are writing to. Positive communications differ from region to region. It might be positive for the people in USA and have negative impact for other people from another country.

If you really want to know more about writing business letters, I suggest that you take a course of business writing and differences about cultures. With further knowledge, it will help you to understand the different thoughts of different people.